There has been a number of questions about the Password Reset function at the user profile login. There are a couple of things users should be aware of when attempting to reset their password.
1. Always make sure that when you reset the password on your account, if you make a note of it PLEASE ENSURE you keep the new password in a safe place for security.
2. When you are at the login screen please only HIT THE RESET LINK ONCE The link will respond by sending you an automated email to your registered email address.
3. If you proceed to hit the reset link you will be sent numerous emails with verification codes. Each email will cancel the last verification code.
4. Be patient, hit the reset link once then check your inbox for the mail. If you are unsure of the process when you get the email please watch this short video for confirmation.
5. If you continue to have problems resetting your password or access to your account please contact [email protected]
6. You can also message support via our support Facebook page HERE