Many user have asked the question about DUAL RECORDING or the use of 3rd party recording equipment. Firstly we have to explain the differences in these setups.
1. Whilst using VirtuPro the power data will only be taken from the users smart trainer and Displayed directly. We are not converting power to speed. So the power displayed on screen is as accurate as your trainer is.
2. Independent power crank or pedals, these can be use to record your race/ride and recorded to your Garmin Headset or device you have chosen to use for analysis later but not as part of your actual ride. (may have differences in distance)
The reason is, that VirtuPro has collision witch means you cannot just pass through another avatar, so in the race you sometimes get stuck behind another rider and can´t pass, at this moment your speed in the game can be lower then your actual trainer. This will alter difference you have after the race (example 1 km) is an indicator for how much energy you have wasted in the effort along the way.
3. Dual recording or TRUE Dual Recording in game. This is an area that many of the market leaders are trying to establish and could set the market standards for competitive racing. Users have to understand some of the problems this can bring.
4. Game architecture is very important when it comes to Dual Recording. As an example with market leaders if you have the power you can simply ride through the rider in front of you and therefore your journey from A-----------B is not interrupted this means that a 20km ride on other platforms will be a 20km ride on your Garmin Headset (Monitor).
5. VirtuPro uses a completely different architecture with the inclusion of collision and this means your 20km ride can be interrupted. Where the red dashes are indicated this is where the rider continues to pedal behind another rider in front and registers on the 3rd party recording device. In game you are not moving as fast forward behind another rider as he places a brake on you, so that will influence the distance recorded.
This is the major factor in why the distances will not match when dual recording on VirtuPro. But the advantage which we have at VirtuPro and find really cool is, that you can analyse your race in a new way, and use the Draft date to improve your race skills and race understanding.
A------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B =20km (Zwift Dual Record)
A------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B = 21km (VirtuPro Dual Record)
--------- ---------- --------- ----------------- ------ --------- Collision
Where the red dashes are indicated this is where the rider continues to pedal behind another rider in front and registers on the 3rd party recording device. In game you are not moving forward so no distance is recorded. This is the major factor in why distances will not match when dual recording on VirtuPro.
If other market leaders change their game architecture and introduce a form of collision they will have problems.
We have no PROBLEMS
We chose this way as we see that the strategy, Realism and Draft + analysing gives the user bigger advantages and much more fun.